Lupus Felis, a member of Circulo Domini Canis from South America’s insight into jewry and their reptilian genetics. Pdf: The Serpent Lupus Felis (printable version pictures omitted) with images: La Serpiente_Lupus Felis (complete) en
Below are links to both free pdf versions of the works of Nimrod de Rosario in English; Spanish; German and Russian as well as to links for purchase of physical versions of the English versions: Physical copies An compilation introduction to his work: (English): Nimrod de Rosario_passages (Berserker Books) (Spanish): fragmentos-gnosticos-tomados-de-la-obra-de-nimrod-de-rosario_compress (Russian): Фрагменты Нимрод де […]
Nimrod de Rosario Pdf: SS Psychosocial Manual_Nimrod de Rosario “The following edition is a part of the book “Handbook of Psychosocial Strategy”, which the author did not publish because it was originally intended for members of the Third Reich. Only an excerpt is available on the internet. The original text contains the fourth dissertation mentioned […]
a work of Bruno Cariou on the history of the figure of Priapus and sexualism Pdf: Priapus_Bruno Cariou (Berserker Books) Purchase
Carlo Michelstaedter’s work on the art of rhetoric and sophistry-from the horses mouth of the modern Gorgias Pdf: Persuasion and Rhetoric — Carlo Michelstaedter Purchase
Wilhelm Landig’s novel in the Thule trilogy. Pdf: Idols Against Thule (Berserker Books)_volume 2 Purchase “German secret weapons, including the completed V-7 flying disc, are shown here as part of the global plot. The great advance of German weapons technology was no longer realized due to internal obstacles and time constraints. The far-reaching descriptions take […]
Wilhem Landig’s novel in the trilogy of Thule. Pdf: Idols Against Thule (Berserker Books)_volume 1 Purchase “German secret weapons, including the completed V-7 flying disc, are shown here as part of the global plot. The great advance of German weapons technology was no longer realized due to internal obstacles and time constraints. The far-reaching descriptions […]
Wilhelm Landig’s novel from the trilogy. Pdf: Wolf Time for Thule (Berserker Books) Purchase “This book begins immediately at the end of the Second World War and leads the reader on mysterious paths in a fluently written novel. It reports on the widely known defection of some parts of the Wehrmacht and important technicians and […]
Wilhelm Landig’s novel in his Trilogy. Translated by machine into English Pdf: Rebels for Thule (Berserker Books) Purchase “The framework paints a picture of the present day in the late 20th century. A community of students is woven into the story in search of missing historical knowledge. With a look back, Atlantis begins to emerge […]
E R Eddison’s work of fantasy that preceded Tolkein’s work yet parallels its mythos. Pdf: The Worm Ouroboros_E R Eddison 1922 (Berserker Books) Purchase Notice from the Publisher “Lulu books and Thebookpatch have banned our accounts. We are in process of setting up with another print-on-demand site. Please stay tuned. Until then the pdfs on […]
Arthur Avalon, aka. Sir John Woodroffe’s work on tantric yoga prescribed by Nimrod de Rosario in his work “Fundamentals of the Hyperborean Wisdom” Pdf: Principles of Tantra_Arthur Avalon (volume 1, Berserker Books) Vol.1: Purchase Vol.2: Purchase Notice from the Publisher “Lulu books and Thebookpatch have banned our accounts. We are in process of setting up […]
Baron Rudolf von Sebottendorff’s work on the practices of Sufi Freemasons in Turkey where he had become initiated into the order of Bektashi. Pdf: Secret practices of the Sufi Freemasons_ the Islamic — Baron Rudolf von Sebottendorff (Berserker Books)_ Purchase Notice from the Publisher “Lulu books and Thebookpatch have banned our accounts. We are in […]
This presentation of runic gnosis and its historical practitioners is in part distortion entailing much in the way of irrelevancies and possible deliberate corruption and incorporation of masonic and rosicrucian teachings. Therefore it should be read cum grano salis and with a critical mind taking what value it may have and casting aside the dross. […]
a basic work on pendulum practice by the post WW2 armanist Karl Spiesberger Pdf: The Successful Pendulum Practitioner by Karl Spiesberger (Berserker Books) Purchase Notice from the Publisher “Lulu books and Thebookpatch have banned our accounts. We are in process of setting up with another print-on-demand site. Please stay tuned. Until then the pdfs on […]
a book of mantras by Spiesberger a not entirely trustworthy work of post-WW2 armanism. Pdf: The Mantra Book by Karl Spiesberger (Berserker Books) Purchase Notice from the Publisher “Lulu books and Thebookpatch have banned our accounts. We are in process of setting up with another print-on-demand site. Please stay tuned. Until then the pdfs on […]
Ernst Niekisch’s work of third positionism which was released shortly after Hitler came to power as means (perhaps) of attempting to derail his volkisch orientation towards a class-based orientation accommodative of jewry. Pdf: The Third Imperial Figure_Ernst Niekisch_(Berserker Books)
Ernst Niekisch, the founder of national bolshevism in Germany’s mermoires available for the first time in English. Niekisch was an enemy of Hitler and affiliated with Ernst Junger the catholic junker. It is being made available here to give insight into the anti-Hitlerists. Pdf: Memoires of a German Revolutionary– Ernst Niekisch (volume 2)_
Sergey Nechayev’s anarchist revolutionary manual. This was the precursor to the bolshevists in Russia. Pdf: Catechism of a Revolutionist — Sergey Nechayev (Berserker Books)_
Baron Rudolf von Sebbotendorf’s early history in the formation of the Germanenorden and Thulegesellshaft, written by an anonymous insider(?) Pdf: Before Hitler Came_Rudolf von Sebbotendorf (Berserker Books)
A presentation of the mechanics of judaism and its motivations by Valery Yemelyanov, a famous Russian pagan author and founder of Pamyat. An essential work that got him cast in prison on trumped up charges for 6 years in which case Alexander Dugin was a ‘witness’. Pdf: Dezionization_Valery Yemelyanov (Berserker Books) owing to censorship this […]
Coming soon there will be merchandise available: t-shirts and clothing apparel; posters and wall hangings; cell phone cases as well as board games. Stay tuned in this section for new additions.
a practical handbook on chinese Xing Yi Quan, a practice similar to tai chi though applied in a martial arts context focusing on energetic direction and will-power Pdf: Lutang Sun_- The Study of Xing Yi Quan_ Xing Yi Quan Xue- Purchase Notice from the Publisher “Lulu books and Thebookpatch have banned our accounts. We are […]
the national socialist polymath Viktor Schauberger’s work on implosion Pdf: Schauberger, Viktor – Our Pointless Work Notice from the Publisher “Lulu books and Thebookpatch have banned our accounts. We are in process of setting up with another print-on-demand site. Please stay tuned. Until then the pdfs on this site are free and will continue to […]
a compilation of articles of the national socialist and polymath Viktor Schauberger. Schauberger was a self-taught genius who developed implosively generated energy systems that were modelled on natural phenomena and behind the secret technology of the Third Reich such as Die Glock, the time machine and the haunebu flying saucers. Pdf: viktor schauberger articles Notice […]
a theoretical work written by the national socialist mathematician Ludwig Bieberbach Theory of Geometrical Construction Notice from the Publisher “Lulu books and Thebookpatch have banned our accounts. We are in process of setting up with another print-on-demand site. Please stay tuned. Until then the pdfs on this site are free and will continue to be […]
Sieg Grun “A basic and comprehensive program to serve as a guide for the chosen in the darkest age of the Kali Yuga. All facets of life from spiritual to the brute physical are touched upon herein with an extensive bibliography providing essential references to amplify the basic points presented. A short work under 30 […]