Insight into the Levantine mind series an anthology of ancient primary source texts from the region in Western Syria that illustrates the primordial religion and spirituality of the indigenous population Pdf: Pdf Purchase: Purchase

Oswald Spengler a selection of sections from his magnum opus “The Decline of the West”. The approximately 400 pg. compilation is a good introduction and reference source for those who don’t have the time to read the larger work. Pdf: Pdf Purchase: Purchase

Bruno Bauer “This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as […]

Empedocles “This book chronicles the life and writings of Empedocles philosophical activity between the defeat of the Fabii at Cremera and the establishment of the Decemvirate, including Diogenes account that when there were signs of tyranny in Acragas, Empedocles persuaded the people to put an end to their rivalries and to adopt a democratic form […]

anonymous. A primary source work from the third reich on the ur-history of the Nordico-Germanic volk Pdf: Pdf Purchase: unavailable owing to censorship

William Benjamin Smith (October 26, 1850 – August 6, 1934) was a professor of mathematics at Tulane University, best known as a proponent of the Christ myth theory.[1][2] “In a series of books, beginning with Ecce Deus: The Pre-Christian Jesus, published in 1894, and ending with The Birth of the Gospel, published posthumously in 1954, […]

Alfred Elton van Vogt (/væn voʊt/ VAN VOHT; April 26, 1912 – January 26, 2000) was a Canadian-born American science fiction writer. His fragmented, bizarre narrative style influenced later science fiction writers, notably Philip K. Dick. He was one of the most popular and influential practitioners of science fiction in the mid-twentieth century, the genre’s […]

Arthur Comte de Gobineau “Joseph Arthur de Gobineau was a French aristocrat, novelist and man of letters who became famous for developing the racialist theory of the Aryan master race in his book “An Essay on the Inequality of the Human Races” Gobineau went to a French diplomatic school and became a diplomat in the […]

“Christopher Marlowe (/ˈmɑːrloʊ/ MAR-loh; baptised 26 February 1564 – 30 May 1593), also known as Kit Marlowe, was an English playwright, poet, and translator of the Elizabethan era.[a] Marlowe is among the most famous of the Elizabethan playwrights. Based upon the “many imitations” of his play Tamburlaine, modern scholars consider him to have been the […]

A presentation of the Russian mythos, however tainted by christian influence. Pdf: Pdf Purchase: Purchase

E. R. Eddison “A Fish Dinner in Memison is a 1941 fantasy novel by English writer E. R. Eddison, the second in his Zimiamvian Trilogy. The story consists of alternating sections set on Earth and in Zimiamvia. The Earth sections focus on the romance of Edward Lessingham and his wife Mary. The Zimiamvian sections describe […]

Mircea Eliade “First published in 1951, “Shamanism” soon became the standard work in the study of this mysterious & fascinating phenomenon. Writing as the founder of the modern study of the history of religion, Romanian emigre–scholar Mircea Eliade (1907-86) surveys the practice of Shamanism over two & a half millennia of human history, moving from […]

A work on the sami of Finland and their runic magic by the suspicious figure Sigurd Agrell. Caveat. Pdf: Pdf Purchase: Purchase

the collected works of the English magician and head of the Berserker order John Dee Pdf: Pdf Purchase: Purchase

Arthur Avalon, aka. Sir John Woodroofe’s detailed and didactic work on tantra, volumes 2 Pdf: https://archive.org/details/principles-of-tantra-arthur-avalon-volume-1-berserker-books Purchase: unavailable owing to technical difficulties

Arthur Avalon, aka. Sir John Woodroofe’s detailed and didactic work on tantra Pdf: Pdf Purchase: Purchase

Mikhail Bakunin “Mikhail Bakunin is one of the key anarchist thinkers and revolutionary activists of the 19th century. Building upon the federalist and libertarian socialist ideas of his friend Pierre-Joseph Proudhon as well as those in the European labour movement, Bakunin shaped anarchism into its modern form. His revolutionary, class-struggle-based anarchism soon became the dominant […]

William Benjamin Smith “The following pages attempt a discussion of the most important question that is likely to engage the attention of the American People for many years and even generations to come. Compared with the vital matter of pure Blood, all other matters, as of tariff, of currency, of subsidies, of civil service, of […]

Mikhail Bakunin “A titan among the social philosophers of the age that produced Proudhon, Marx, Blanqui, and Kropotkin, Mikhail Bakunin was involved in the Dresden Uprising in 1848, which led to his imprisonment first in Germany, then in Russia, and his exile in Siberia, from where he escaped to Europe in 1861. Until his death […]

Peter Krapotkin “Important writings by the leading theorist of anarchism, including the brief but moving “Spirit of Revolt,” “Law and Authority,” an argument for social control through custom and education, and other documents. An invaluable addition to the libraries of instructors, students, and anyone interested in history, government, and anarchist thought.” Pdf: Pdf Purchase: Purchase

Peter Krapotkin “In this cornerstone of modern liberal social theory, Peter Kropotkin states that the most effective human and animal communities are essentially cooperative, rather than competitive. Kropotkin based this classic on his observations of natural phenomena and history, forming a work of stunning and well-reasoned scholarship. Essential to the understanding of human evolution as […]

a practical handbook on chinese Xing Yi Quan, a practice similar to tai chi though applied in a martial arts context focusing on energetic direction and will-power Pdf: Pdf Purchase: soon

the national socialist polymath Viktor Schauberger’s work on implosion Pdf: Pdf Purchase: Purchase

a compilation of articles of the national socialist and polymath Viktor Schauberger. Schauberger was a self-taught genius who developed implosively generated energy systems that were modelled on natural phenomena and behind the secret technology of the Third Reich such as Die Glock, the time machine and the haunebu flying saucers. Pdf: Pdf Purchase: Purchase

a theoretical work written by the national socialist mathematician Ludwig Bieberbach Pdf: Pdf Purchase: Purchase

Sieg Grun “A basic and comprehensive program to serve as a guide for the chosen in the darkest age of the Kali Yuga. All facets of life from spiritual to the brute physical are touched upon herein with an extensive bibliography providing essential references to amplify the basic points presented. A short work under 30 […]