Miguel Serrano
“In 1978 Miguel Serrano published his first book on Esoteric Hitlerism which came to be his lifelong philosophy and passion which he never abandoned. In fact he spent most of his life learning the “hidden” or “Occult” (Occult literally translates as “hidden”) aspects of National Socialism. With his blend of Tantric-Kundalini Yoga, the mystery of the Runes, Ariosophy, the secret rites of the Troubadours and Minnesingers and their MYSTICAL LOVE, the Cathars, his Gnostic beliefs, his fascination with “The Mysteries” and being initiated into a Mystical “Order” in Chile (The Sacred Order of ThiU-Hin) Serrano found his lifelong “Master” Carlos Rogat Salas AKA Sri Raaknahaif (1878-1974) whom Serrano was loyal to all the way to the end. Serrano traveled and journeyed the entire world meeting prominent people who could answer his questions and quench his thirst for knowledge. These people were not just ordinary men and women. Serrano had access to a massive amount of knowledge and to the great men and women who kept it…”
Jason Alfred Thompkins, 3rd
Pdf: The Golden Thread – Esoteric Hitlerism
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