World Ice Theory: Articles & Essays

articles by and about Hans Heinz Horbiger translated into English via DeepL machine translation software.

Pdf: Pdf

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The Serpent

Lupus Felis, a member of Circulo Domini Canis from South America’s insight into the conspirators and their reptilian genetics.

Pdf: Pdf

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Before Hitler Came

Baron Rudolf von Sebbotendorf’s early history in the formation of the Germanenorden and Thulegesellshaft, written by an anonymous insider(?)

Pdf: Pdf

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Nimrod de Rosario: Collected Works

Below are links to both free pdf versions of the works of Nimrod de Rosario in English; Spanish; German and Russian as well as to links for purchase of physical versions of the English versions:

An compilation introduction to his work:


His Main works:

Initiatic novels:

1) “The Mystery of the Hyperborean Wisdom” aka. “The Mystery of Belicena Villca


2) “Secret History of the Thulegesellshaft


3) Manual for Initiates:


4) “Fragments of the SS Psycho-Social Strategy” (remnants of the work)


Fragments of SS Psycho-Social Strategy

Nimrod de Rosario

Pdf: Pdf

“The following edition is a part of the book “Handbook of Psychosocial Strategy”, which the author did not publish because it was originally intended for members of the Third Reich. Only an excerpt is available on the internet. The original text contains the fourth dissertation mentioned in “The Secret History of the Thulegesellschaft”, the author’s fourth book. However, since only a fraction of it has come to light, the content of this text can be considered as supplementary material.

This copy is divided into sections, of which the first two are missing. The complete text would consist of more than 300 pages, including graphics. In addition, there is a part that tells us about the Runes (which I included at the end).

Although the fraction available on the internet contains some more fragments (part of the text and graphics at the end), these are incomplete. In addition, the final graphics refer to the reading material in “The Fundamentals of Hyperborean Wisdom”, so it would be unnecessary in my opinion to add them to the present edition. Instead, I decided to transcribe the text, redesign the graphics in sections III to VII and add some images (especially at the end of “The Mystique of the Runes”, where images of Alex Borisson’s designs can be seen).

I hope that this material will be of great help to you as you follow this path, which was trodden by all those who have passed on the legacy of their ancestors.”

Note: this work is not available in physical form owing to censorship

The History of Rome

Selections from the multivolume work of the scholar Theodor Mommsen.

Pdf: Pdf

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a historical work on ancient Sparta an the structure of its society amongst other topics by Pierre Roussel

Pdf: Pdf

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a work of Bruno Cariou on the history of the figure of Priapus and sexualism

Pdf: Pdf

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Persuasion and Rhetoric

Carlo Michelstaedter’s work on the art of rhetoric and sophistry-from the horses mouth of the modern Gorgias

Pdf: Pdf

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On Islam

a compilation of critical analyses of islam; its origins; history and purpose

Pdf: Pdf

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a presentation of the conspiracy’s ‘simulacra and simulations’, its tactics of deception by the french scholar and translator of Julius Evola’s works Bruno Cariou

Pdf: Pdf

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Eurasianism: A Critique

Bruno Cariou, translator of Julius Evola presents his critique of Eurasianism; Duginism; Francis Parker yockey and related figures and ideology

Pdf: Pdf

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Idols Against Thule (volume 2)

Wilhelm Landig’s novel in the Thule trilogy.


Purchase: Purchase

“German secret weapons, including the completed V-7 flying disc, are shown here as part of the global plot. The great advance of German weapons technology was no longer realized due to internal obstacles and time constraints. The far-reaching descriptions take us halfway around the globe and also show the symbolic background of the tension between the Midnight Mountain in the far north and the Sinai.

Wilhelm Landig has put together the framework from a series of facts that were very well known to him personally as well as from his own knowledge and experience. Language skills and overseas travel made it easier for him to recreate a reality that he himself knows. The peculiarity of this book is that it does not fit into any pattern. It lies outside of the usual literature and has its own line.”

Idols Against Thule (volume 1)

Wilhem Landig’s novel in the trilogy of Thule.

Pdf: Pdf

Purchase: soon

“German secret weapons, including the completed V-7 flying disc, are shown here as part of the global plot. The great advance of German weapons technology was no longer realized due to internal obstacles and time constraints. The far-reaching descriptions take us halfway around the globe and also show the symbolic background of the tension between the Midnight Mountain in the far north and the Sinai.

Wilhelm Landig has put together the framework from a series of facts that were very well known to him personally as well as from his own knowledge and experience. Language skills and overseas travel made it easier for him to recreate a reality that he himself knows. The peculiarity of this book is that it does not fit into any pattern. It lies outside of the usual literature and has its own line.”

Wolf Time for Thule

Wilhelm Landig’s novel from the trilogy.

Pdf: Pdf

Purchase: Purchase

“This book begins immediately at the end of the Second World War and leads the reader on mysterious paths in a fluently written novel. It reports on the widely known defection of some parts of the Wehrmacht and important technicians and scholars. Many contemporaries contradict this theory. But isn’t there something to be said for the truth as well as for the untruth of these accounts?

Haven’t countless and hardly believable things happened and are still happening behind the official stage today? Isn’t it also possible that developments are taking place behind the scenes that are hardly imaginable? If you want to look at our time impartially, you have to take the possibility described in the book into account.

Certain circles use legends to make politics. We experience this painfully every day. But why shouldn’t we learn from it? Wilhelm Landig doesn’t stop at the events of that time, but builds a bridge to the present on the one hand, but also to the many thousand-year-old past of the peoples and shows what they have in common in their basic traditions and beliefs. For this reason alone, this book is highly recommended, and you have to read it several times to discover all the secrets and wonders.”

Rebels for Thule

Wilhelm Landig’s novel in his Trilogy. Translated by machine into English

Pdf: Pdf

Purchase: Purchase

“The framework paints a picture of the present day in the late 20th century. A community of students is woven into the story in search of missing historical knowledge. With a look back, Atlantis begins to emerge from the darkness of traditional myths. Descendants of the Atlantean heritage, the Thuata and the Gothic peoples paint a fascinating picture of their migrations through the continents.

The Externsteine ​​reveal further secrets and linguistic archaeology supports the excavation fields. Here Wilhelm Landig also reveals the original origin of the Black Sun. Connections between the midnight land in the north and the Sumerian empire and its subsequent city-state of Babel shed light on the darkness of history.”

Chang Shamballa

The obscure philosopher Sieg Grun returns with his analysis of the dark forces of Chang Shamballa; reptilian and other E.T phenomenon and their influence on the denizens of earth; their tactics and mundane affiliates and their deity Yahweh and the Demiurge.

Pdf: Pdf

Purchase: soon

Hyperborean Buddhism

An analysis of the redeemable qualities of buddhism in its primordial form by the obscure philosopher Sieg Grun

Pdf: Pdf

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Questioning Miguel Serrano

a document which critiques Miguel Serrano and the authenticity of his teachings in a fair and balanced manner entailing the articles:

Nimrod de Rosario and Miguel Serrano_ Messengers of the Eternal Gnosis”, unknown author

Carlos Rogat Salas (pseudonym_ Sri Raaknahaif)_Teacher of Miguel Serrano”, H.S.Thaller

The Hyperborean Wisdom of Nimrod de Rosario and Miguel “, Sieg Grun

Fragments from Nos, Book of the Resurrection“, unkown author

Nimrod de Rosario, Miguel Serrano and Sri Raaknahaif (aka. Carlos Rogat Salas)

Pdf: Pdf

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Primordial Gnosis

In this compilation of articles of the primordial gnosis initiates present their perspectives and experience revealing the enemy synarchy; its strategies; tactics and means of circumventing them as well as effective strategies of war and Hyperborean symbolism.

Pdf: Pdf

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The Worm Ouroboros

E R Eddison’s work of fantasy that preceded Tolkein’s work yet parallels its mythos.

Pdf: Pdf

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The Essence of Man

Rene Guenon’s work on the essence of man in his multidimensional state.

Pdf: Pdf

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Hyperborean Symbolism

Christian Cortes, bearer of the torch of the Hyperborean Wisdom as propounded by Nimrod de Rosario presents in this compilation of articles forms of symbolism in pop culture such as H P Lovecraft and Dracula as well as ancient Greco-Roman mythology revealing the Primordial Gnosis.

Pdf: Pdf

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The censored and suppressed scholar and archaeologist Arthur Posnansky’s scholarly study of Tihuanaco in Bolivia proving the ancient presence of the vikings who built the sacred site.

Pdf: Pdf

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The Templars in America

Jacques de Mahieu’s investigation of the presence of the knights templars in the americas, the agents of the catholic church and its creators jehovah-malkuth.

Pdf: Pdf

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The Great Journey of the Sun God

A scholarly study by the censored and suppressed French emigre scholar who lived in South America Jacques de Mahieu on the presence of vikings in the Americas.

Pdf: Pdf

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The Crystal Ball

Karl Hans Strobl, the national socialist novelist, brings out a interesting work of horror fiction in this anthology.

Pdf: Pdf

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The Chronicle of Akakor

The study by Karl Brugger on his journey to the amazon and its discussion of the vikings who lived in the region.

Pdf: Pdf

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The Agony of the Sun God

Jacques de Mahieu, the French scholar censored and suppressed by the conspiracy unveils the atrocities that occurred in ancient Paraguay through the influence of the christians against the vikings and indigenous people.

Pdf: Pdf

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Terra Mater

The Scholar Franz Altheim’s study of the earth mother goddess cult from ancient writings.

Pdf: Pdf

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Secret Practices of the Sufi Freemasons

Baron Rudolf von Sebottendorff’s work on the practices of Sufi Freemasons in Turkey where he had become initiated into the order of Bektashi.

Pdf: Pdf

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Hyperborean Reflexions

a bearer of the torch of the Hyperborean Wisdom of Nimrod de Rosario, Christian Cortes’ work on various subjects within the sphere often referred to as the ‘primordial gnosis’.

Pdf: Pdf

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The national socialist Karl Hans Strobl’s horror anthology from the early period of the twentieth century, still buried in obscurity by the global conspiracy.


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In Northern Mists-Arctic-Exploration (Volume 2)

The Norwegian explorer Fridtjof Nansen’s account of his arctic explorations. The second and last volume of the series.

Pdf: Pdf

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Ferenc Szalasi, leader of the Hungarian Arrow Cross part reveals the ideology of Hungarismus or ‘Hungarism’ in this important political work.

Pdf: Pdf

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Hungarian Self Defence

A member of the Hungarian Arrow Cross party’s work on the defence of the Hungarian people against the bolsheviks.

Pdf: Pdf

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Elegabal Kuperus

The national socialist novelist Karl Hans Strobl’s novel from the early 1910s. A master of the horror genre he remains a marginalized figure to this day.

Pdf: Pdf

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Columbus Arrived Later

The French scholar Jacques de Mahieu’s proof that vikings preceded Columbus in the Americas by millenia.

Pdf: Pdf

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Women in the Ancient World

an essay by the French scholar Bruno Cariou on the role and status of women in the ancient world.

Pdf: Pdf

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an essay investigating the ‘theatre of the real’ of politics and its priestly caste underpinnings. By Bruno Cariou.

Pdf: Pdf

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The Privaleged Sex

an essay by the French scholar Bruno Cariou on the status of women throughout history and its deleterious consequences.

Pdf: Pdf

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The American Jew

An essay on the history of the American jew by the French scholar Bruno Cariou, part of the larger compendium “Anti-America” available on this site free in pdf as well as in physical form not-for-profit.

Pdf: Pdf

Purchase: this book is unavailable in physical form owing to censorship

Panic Power

A work on the usage and influence of sexuality in politics tracing the origin of this influence to the primitive cults of the near east and mediterranean region. By the French scholar Bruno Cariou this extensive work plunges into the mire of Pan and his lunar cults of tellurism.

Pdf: Pdf

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A compendium of essays by the French scholar Bruno Cariou on America:
comprising the essays:

“Race: The Story of an Idea in the United States”
“The Origins of the Welfare State in the United States”
“The American Jew”

Pdf: Pdf

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Genealogy of Police

an examination of the history of the police and their origins in the near east and Egypt; their development under the influence of Jeremy Bentham; Vidocq (France) and others. A scathing indictment of the existence of police. Written by the French scholar Bruno Cariou.

Pdf: Pdf

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The Nature of Man

Jacques de Mahieu’s anthropological work on the nature of mankind written from a sound perspective of biological fact not invented theories.

Pdf: Pdf

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The Minoan-Mycenaean Religion and its Survival in Greek

The scholar Nils Martin Persson Nilsson’s work on the religion of the Mediterranean region.

Pdf: Pdf

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The Secret of Atlantis

Otto Muck’s somewhat distorted presentation of the history of Atlantis and its descendants.


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National Socialism the Only Solution for the Peoples of South America

Miguel Serrano’s work prescribing a solution to the catholic and communist problem imposed on South America.

Pdf: Pdf

Purchase: this book is unavailable in physical form owing to censorship

In Northern Mists: Arctic Exploration (Volume I)

Fritdjof Nansen, the Norwegian explorer’s account of his arctic journey at the turn of the last century.

Pdf: Pdf

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Identity and Difference

Heidegger’s work on the meaning of identity and difference from an ontological and hermeneutical point of view.

Pdf: Pdf

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The Secret Geography of America Before Columbus

Jacques de Mahieu’s work on the presence of aryans in America before the intrusion of the rabbi christopher columbus (aka. cristobal colon)

Pdf: Pdf

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German Legal History German Legal Thought

Johann von Leers’ treatise on the ancient law of the German people and their ways of thinking about justice and injustice.

Pdf: Pdf

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Daily Life Among the Cathars

a detailed study of the life of the Cathars by Rene Nelli, scholar of Cathars and Catharism

Pdf: Pdf

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Dietrich Eckhart: a Biography

a biography of Dietrich Eckhart the mentor of Adolf Hitler and occultist.

Pdf: Pdf

Purchase: this book is unavailable in physical form owing to censorship

The Study of Xing Yi Quan

a practical handbook on chinese Xing Yi Quan, a practice similar to tai chi though applied in a martial arts context focusing on energetic direction and will-power

Pdf: Pdf

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Martin Heidegger’s lectures on the ancient presocratic philosopher Heraclitus of Ephesus in the former Persian empire.

Pdf: Pdf

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Nature & State

Martin Heidegger’s lectures on the nation, state and what constitutes an authentic nation based on blood and soil.

Pdf: Pdf

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Clark Ashton Smith’s series of stories of Hyperborea, a probable distortion but food for thought.

Pdf: Pdf

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Zalmoxis: The Vanishing God

Mircea Eliade’s study of the Dacian and East European god Zalmoxis

Pdf: Pdf

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Cybele and Attis: The Myth and The Cult

a scholarly work by a Dutch scholar on the cult of Cybele and her consort Attis, being presented here to illustrate the near eastern mother goddess sacrifice cult, replicated in modern islam and judaism

Pdf: Pdf

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Mother Right

Bachofen’s scholarly study of matriarchy which he claimed was the basis for civilization, a fallacy unfortunately replicated by Herman Wirth in his works which led to his being ousted from the Ahnenerbe

Pdf: Pdf

to avoid being subjected to problems by feminist lunatics this work is not available in physical form and is made available here to illustrate the near eastern “syrio-african demonology” (Alfred Rosenberg)

The Undying God: Christianity and Solar Cults

Franz Altheim’s scholarly study of the genesis of the figure of christ in the bible, tracing itself to the near east and Syrian and related solar cults

Pdf: Pdf

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Basic Concepts of Ancient Philosophy

Martin Heidegger’s presentation of the greek philosophers the original formulators of western philosophy.

Pdf: Pdf

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From Antiquity to the Middle Ages

Franz Altheim’s historical analysis of the darkening of the ancient world via christianity.

Pdf: Pdf

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Gnostic Runology

This presentation of runic gnosis and its historical practitioners is in part distortion entailing much in the way of irrelevancies and possible deliberate corruption and incorporation of masonic and rosicrucian teachings. Therefore it should be read ‘cum grano salis’ and with a critical mind taking what value it may have and casting aside the dross.

Pdf: Pdf

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The Enneads

Plotinus’ magnum opus in the translation of Stephen McKenna. Kenneth Guthrie’s translation is better but this is offered as a second rate version.

Pdf: Pdf

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Blood and Soil

Richard Walther Darre

“Fearsome and provocative, the slogan “Blood and Soil” speaks to the interplay between the land and the people on it—the power of a land to shape a people and the power of a people to shape a land. Richard Walther Darré, an Obergruppenführer in the SS, was the leading “Blood and Soil” ideologist of Germany and served his people as Reich Minister of Food and Agriculture. This book, A New Nobility of Blood and Soil, was massively popular in the Third Reich and led to a strengthening of the agrarian and agriculturalist movements. Highly influential on Hitler, the principles in this book are foundational to the National Socialist worldview.’

Pdf: Pdf

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Against the Gnostics

selections from the Enneads of Plotinus, his magnum opus wherein he critiques gnostic contemporary currents in spirituality and ideology

Pdf: Pdf

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The Ura Linda Chronik

Hermann Wirth’s version of the mysterious book from the Frisian region of the North

Pdf: Pdf

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Archaic Roman Religion

Georges Dumezil’s presentation of the archaic religion of Rome prior to its distortion by semitic influence

owing to space issues the pdf is unavailable for upload/download.

Pdf: Pdf

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Rome Contra Judea

a succinct presentation of the antagonism between ancient Judea and Rome as microcosm of the larger spiritual war

Pdf: Pdf

owing to censorship this work is not available in physical form

The Successful Pendulum Practitioner

a basic work on pendulum practice by the post WW2 armanist Karl Spiesberger

Pdf: Pdf

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The Metaphysics of German Idealism

Martin Heidegger’s hermeneutical exposition on German Idealist philosophy and poetry

Pdf: Pdf

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The Mantra Book

a book of mantras by Karl Spiesberger a not entirely trustworthy work of post-WW2 armanism.

Pdf: Pdf

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Rune Magic

a compendium of rune magic by the armanist Karl Spiesberger.

Pdf: Pdf

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Masks of Dreams

a book of magic related to dream work and etc. by Karl Spiesberger

Pdf: Pdf

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Foundations of Biopolitics

A fundamental anthropological work of the scholar Jacques de Mahieu who was driven into obscurity owing to his scholarly revelations.

Pdf: not available

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The Beginning of Mankind

a machine translation of Herman Wirth’s conception of the origins of humanity

Pdf: Pdf

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Friedrich Nietzsche

machine translation of Alfred Rosenberg’s essay on Nietzsche

Pdf: Pdf

Purchase: owing to censorship this work is not available in physical form

Yahweh: The False God

machine translation of the German original of Theodor Fritsch’s historical investigation into ‘yhvh’ or yahweh the god of israel

Pdf: Pdf

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Haunebu and the Final Battalion

caveat: machine translation

a presentation of evidence regarding the flying saucers and the Final Battalion by an anonymous author.


Purchase: soon

The Wehrwolf

machine translation

Hermann Lons’ novel of the thirty years war

Pdf: Pdf

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Chilean Racial Cycle

machine translation

Miguel Serrano’s work based upon Nicolas Palacios’ work of the same name.

Pdf: Pdf

Purchase: not available in physical form owing to censorship


caveat: machine translation

Herman Wirth’s matriarchal theory critiqued by the third reich.

Pdf: Pdf

Purchase: Purchase

The Criminal History of Christianity

caveat: machine translation from the original German of the former national socialist Karlheinz Deschner

free Pdfs (physical purchase below):

(vol. 1 The Early Days)

(vol. 2 Antiquity)

(vol. 3 The Old Church)

(vol. 4 Early Middle Ages)

(vol. 5 9th & 10th Century)

(vol. 6 11th & 12th Centuries)

(vol. 7 13th & 14th Centuries)

(vol. 8 15th & 16th Centuries)

(vol. 9 16th To 18th Centuries)

(vol. 10 the Eighteenth Century Onwards)

Purchase vol. 1
Purchase vol.2
Purchase vol.3
Purchase vol.4
Purchase vol.5
Purchase vol.6
Purchase vol.7
Purchase vol.8
Purchase vol.9
Purchase vol.10

Unheavenly Writings

a collection of short stories by Karl Hans Strobl

caveat: machine translation

Pdf: Pdf

Purchase: Purchase

Great Men of Science

an overview of significant figures in the field of science by the national socialist physicist Philip Lenard, inventor of the cathode ray tube and the conception of Deutsche Physik

Pdf: Pdf

Purchase: Purchase

Propaganda and National Power

an authoritative national socialist work on propaganda


Purchase: not available in physical form owing to censorship

Our Pointless Work

the national socialist polymath Viktor Schauberger’s work on implosion

Pdf: Pdf

Purchase: Purchase

The Life Of Benito Mussolini

the biography of Benito Mussolini written by an Italian woman before the post WW2 era

Pdf: Pdf

Purchase: soon

Viktor Schauberger: Articles

a compilation of articles of the national socialist and polymath Viktor Schauberger. Schauberger was a self-taught genius who developed implosively generated energy systems that were modelled on natural phenomena and behind the secret technology of the Third Reich such as Die Glock, the time machine and the haunebu flying saucers.

Pdf: Pdf

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Theory of Geometrical Construction

a theoretical work written by the national socialist mathematician Ludwig Bieberbach

Pdf: Pdf

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The Eclogues of Virgil

A work by the author of the Aeneid

Pdf: Pdf

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Paracelsus: Selections (volume 2)

selections from Paracelsus, aka. Theophrastus Bombastus Hohenheim the German alchemist

Pdf: Pdf

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Paracelsus: Selections (volume 1)

a selection of the works of Paracelsus, aka. Theophrastus Bombastus of Hoheinheim

Pdf: Pdf

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Blood & Honor

Alfred Rosenberg’s political work

Pdf: Pdf

Purchase: not available in physical form owing to censorship

Seven Years in Tibet

Heinrich Harrer’s journal on his journey to Tibet

Pdf: Pdf

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Armanen Rune Manual

author unknown, a manual based upon the 18 rune futhark of Guido von List

Pdf: Pdf

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