Wilhelm Landig’s novel from the trilogy.
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“This book begins immediately at the end of the Second World War and leads the reader on mysterious paths in a fluently written novel. It reports on the widely known defection of some parts of the Wehrmacht and important technicians and scholars. Many contemporaries contradict this theory. But isn’t there something to be said for the truth as well as for the untruth of these accounts?
Haven’t countless and hardly believable things happened and are still happening behind the official stage today? Isn’t it also possible that developments are taking place behind the scenes that are hardly imaginable? If you want to look at our time impartially, you have to take the possibility described in the book into account.
Certain circles use legends to make politics. We experience this painfully every day. But why shouldn’t we learn from it? Wilhelm Landig doesn’t stop at the events of that time, but builds a bridge to the present on the one hand, but also to the many thousand-year-old past of the peoples and shows what they have in common in their basic traditions and beliefs. For this reason alone, this book is highly recommended, and you have to read it several times to discover all the secrets and wonders.”