Resurrection of the Hero

Miguel Serrano

published with permission

“Probably more than any other of his books, THE RESURRECTION OF THE HERO delves deep into the origins of ‘religion’ and its true meanings. Serrano takes us through it’s inner, esoteric, alchemical and astrological meanings. We come to see that all dying and resurrected Gods are zodiacal weapons for the Heroes to fight with. From the most ancient Mithraism to Zarathustra. To Kristianism and beyond, the Age of Aquarius, the Age of the Ultimate Avatar. We learn to transmutate the Hagal rune into the 8-pointed Venuris rune. The new futhark has been revealed. The Odal rune has been vindicated. The reader will enter the world of the Archetype, the Avatar, and perhaps, even find an exit, a window, a strategic departure from the Eternal Return.”

Jason Alfred Thompkins, 3rd

Pdf: Resurrection of the Hero

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